Shaka Zulu - The Hidden Code

Preface: Shaka Zulu is a well-known historical figure. In this article, we'll cover the hidden numerology behind Shaka Zulu. Shaka Zulu was a great warrior and leader of the Zulu people in the early 19th century. Born in the early 1770s, Shaka was the illegitimate son of a Zulu chief and a young woman from a rival tribe.

Despite his humble origins, Shaka became one of the most potent leaders in southern Africa, thanks to his military genius and ability to unite many of the region's tribes under his rule. Shaka's rule included outstanding achievements and brutal acts of violence, and his legacy continues to be a subject of fascination and debate to this day. 

The following page will cover the hidden Pythagorean numerology behind his name.

Shaka. (2022, October 21). In Wikipedia.

 Shaka kaSenzangakhona (c. 1787 – September 22, 1828), also known as Shaka Zulu (Zulu pronunciation: [ˈʃaːɠa]) and Sigidi kaSenzangakhona, was the king of the Zulu Kingdom from 1816 to 1828.

Shaka. (2022, October 21). In Wikipedia.

Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.


Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.

The Numerology 


First name: Shaka / S=1 H=8 A=1 K=11 A=1  1+8+1+11+1 = 22


Reading his first name shows central leadership ability as a natural-born attribute. When the letter of your name starts with a one, you can lead an entire organization with the proper knowledge. The eight in his name shows his ability to manifest his leadership ability. 


The master number eleven amplifies his leadership ability even more, with a total of five ones in his first name. Adding all of the numbers together, except the 11(You don't reduce down with a master number), you get 22.


22 is a master number of the master architect; these people can build anything they aspire to create. Not only is the 22 energy a powerful relationship number and carries some four energy( four sides of a pyramid).


Last Name KaSenzangakhona  


K= 11 A=1 S=1 E=5 N=14 Z=26 A=1 N=14 G=7 A=1 K=11 H=8 O=15 N=14 = A=1  

From left to right, we can see the story; two master numbers reveal themselves in his last name(11). Shaka had a sum of two to three master numbers, all one frequency! In simple terms, the man was a leader of leaders. 


Nine are also present in his last name(cycle of leadership), with three fours which meant that he manifested a strong foundation later in life. His first name and last name both end with the number one. 



First Name & Last Name in Simple Gematria = 188                               Pythagorean = 71 

"When the 7 comes first, great inner strength (7) is within the self (1) to accomplish (8). The 7 seeks perfection and often becomes skilled at his craft."(Shirley B. The secret science of numerology. P 203). Shaka Zulu possessed incredible physical and inner strength to revolutionize all war tactics and became skilled at his craft.

The fundamental vibration from his name in simple numerology is a leader who manifests times two(88). Eight people have the unique gift of turning a mental idea into a physical manifestation. In simple terms, they can make the impossible happen and turn visions into reality.


Seventy-one shows a spiritual leadership cycle at the core of Shaka Zulu's soul contract. 

Personality Consonants - When you look at the numerology of your consonants, you look at your personality.



He was a leader who did not want to box in and had an open mind. The four in his constants show that stability and the home stood essential to him, and the nine as his root number showed resilience, making him feel complete. 


Vowels / Soul Desire - In summary, his soul desired to manifest something spiritual about himself. 

 Interesting fact, the Zulu Nation shares the same numerology as Kemet:

Kemet = 54 

Zulu Nation = 54



Shaka. (2022, October 21). In Wikipedia. 


Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.


Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.


Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.
Zulu Kingdom. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.


Shaka. (2022, October 21). In Wikipedia.


Shaka. (2022, October 21). In Wikipedia.


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