
Showing posts with the label 2023

Modern Forms of Oppression Against Black People - Series 1/10 | Wells Fargo

  Senator Sherrod Brown , Chair of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, sent a letter to Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf, calling out the megabank for its history of consumer abuse and mismanagement. The letter highlights Wells Fargo's inability to address its longstanding risk management failures, including racial disparities in mortgage lending, fake job interviews for minority and female candidates, and anti-money laundering violations. These issues add to the list of consumer abuses and compliance breakdowns that led to a growth restriction imposed on Wells Fargo in 2018. Despite promises made to the American people following the fake accounts scandal, Wells Fargo has failed to live up to its obligations. For Black people, in particular, this failure is reflected in reports of racial discrimination in the refinancing process and the opening of millions of fake customer accounts. Wells Fargo must address these issues and improve its governance and risk man

Short | Day Numerology Reading For 1/15/2023

Look for signs that take place today, and use your five senses to magnify your intuition and follow it to make a critical decision.  

Day Numerology For 1/13/2023

  The number 13 is associated with change, transformation, and the power of self-expression, from the number 13 to the numbers 4 and 1. The number 4 is associated with stability, structure, and practicality. Seen as a symbol of the material world and is connected to the elements of earth and physical reality. The number 4 is associated with a strong sense of practicality and organization, symbolizing hard work and determination. The number 1 is associated with leadership, independence, and self-sufficiency—a symbol of the individual self and the energies of self-motivation and self-expression. The number 1 is also associated with creativity and symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities. When these three numbers are connected, they form a powerful combination of energies. The number 13 represents change and transformation, while the number 4 represents stability and practicality. The number 1 represents leadership and independence. Together, these numbers suggest that the individual w

Numerology Reading For 1/3/2023

  The date numerology for today is highly charged, expect your energy to increase today. There are two 11's when adding the date numerology up in two different ways.  1+ 3 + 22 (Master numbers don't reduce down)  + 3 = 29 (2+9 )= 11 1+3+2+2+3 = 11   Look for spiritual messages, and write out your thoughts for today. There may be an important download of information that you did not pay attention to previously.  We are in the year of being creative with anything we are building. So don't be afraid of using a digital art tablet or a tool to help you illustrate what you is on your mind. 

Day Numerolgy For 1/2/2023

  The date 1/2/2023 can be broken down into its numerologist components as follows:   The number 1 represents independence, ambition, and leadership. The number 2 represents balance, harmony, and diplomacy. The number 3 denotes creativity, self-expression, and communication.   These energies suggest that 1/2/2023 may be an excellent time to focus on finding balance and harmony while also being ambitious and taking the lead in your endeavors. It could be an ideal time to express your creativity, communicate effectively and strive for independence and success. Regarding the best approach for this date, is helpful to find ways to integrate these different energies and make the most of the opportunities they present.  Balancing your ambition and drive with a sense of harmony and diplomacy or using your creativity and communication skills to achieve your goals. Overall, the numerology of 1/2/2023 suggests that it could be a positive and productive time if you can harness the energies of the