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Reparations Payments to Panama : A Comparison with Foundational Black Americans

Introduction: Reparations payments refer to compensation made to individuals or groups for past injustices, such as colonialism, slavery, or discrimination. In this article, we will examine the reparations payments made to Panama and Hawaii and compare them to the issue of reparations for Black Americans. Reparations to Panama: In 1903 (American Foreign Relations, 2023), the United States helped Panama secede from Colombia and then secured control of the Panama Canal Zone. The U.S. military occupied the Canal Zone until 1979, during which time they displaced and mistreated thousands of Panamanians. In 1977, the U.S. signed the Torrijos-Carter Treaties (U.S Department Of State, 2001), which granted sovereignty of the Canal Zone back to Panama and provided $10 million in reparations payments to Panama. Reparations to Panama    Background: U.S. helped Panama secede from Colombia in 1903 (Office of the historian, 2023). Secured control of the Panama Canal Zone in 1904 (Library of Congress