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Emitt Till - The Hidden Code

  Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American child, was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being accused of offending a white woman(Carolyn Bryant). His killers were acquitted, but the brutality of his murder drew attention to the persecution of African Americans in the United States and made him an icon of the civil rights movement. ( Wikepedia , Emmitt Till, 2022). The following post will cover the numerology behind Emmitt Till's death and help find more clues on the case that we didn't know before. These events are not forgotten long-lost past stories; unfortunately, these lynchings have not stopped . In Mississippi, some areas still have high segregation levels and deep seeded hate. Hopefully, there will be a positive change for future generations. Why Numerology Is Important Pythagorean numerology chart "Numerology is the ancient African science of linking words to numbers. Words carry vibration and frequency, and so do the numbers behind t