Emitt Till - The Hidden Code


Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American child, was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being accused of offending a white woman(Carolyn Bryant). His killers were acquitted, but the brutality of his murder drew attention to the persecution of African Americans in the United States and made him an icon of the civil rights movement. (Wikepedia, Emmitt Till, 2022).

The following post will cover the numerology behind Emmitt Till's death and help find more clues on the case that we didn't know before. These events are not forgotten long-lost past stories; unfortunately, these lynchings have not stopped. In Mississippi, some areas still have high segregation levels and deep seeded hate. Hopefully, there will be a positive change for future generations.

Why Numerology Is Important

Pythagorean numerology chart

"Numerology is the ancient African science of linking words to numbers. Words carry vibration and frequency, and so do the numbers behind the alphabet, plain and simple!" - Kmtcminds
Numerology can provide insight into the underlying patterns and energies that shape our lives and the world around us.

By studying the relationships between numbers and the events and experiences in our lives, we can better understand the forces at work and how to navigate them more effectively. This can be especially helpful in times of uncertainty or change, as it can provide a sense of direction and guidance.

Overall, numerology is a powerful tool that can help individuals better understand themselves and the world and provide valuable insight and guidance on the path to personal growth and fulfillment.
 The Sefer Yetzirah is a Jewish mystical text that explores the relationship between God, the universe, and numbers. Sefer Yetzirah is considered necessary in the Kabbalah and focuses on the power of numbers and their role in the creation and the structure of the universe. 
The Sefer Yetzirah also delves into gematria, a system of numerology used in Kabbalah to understand and connect with the divine. The ideas about numerology in the Sefer Yetzirah have significantly impacted Jewish thought and spirituality. 
There was a Jewish involvement in slavery, according to Betram K(2008)," Other Jewish planters were: Nathan Nathans, who was a president of Beth Elohim Congregation of Charleston, South Carolina, with a plantation on the Cooper river; Isaiah Moses, who worked thirty-five slaves on his farm ."(p. 154. para 2). 
So not only numerology important to Jewish circles but also Freemasonry. Here is a link to an entire page dedicated to the importance of numerology at the grand lodge of British Columbia.
To think numerology had no influence in the ritual killing of Emmitt Till, and current events would be ignorant.
Let's explore numerology in the case of Emmitt Till.
 The basic form of numerology is called simple numerology(ordinal) which goes by the alphabetical order: 
  • A= 1 B = 2 C = 3 D =4 E = 5 F = 6 (i.e Dad = 4+1+4 = 9).

In Pythagorean numerology(reduction) any double digit number behind the letter can be added together until there is a single digit, then add all of the numbers across ( i.e Cat / C = 3 A = 1 T= 20 | 1=0 = 2 ).

Emmett's birthday was on  7/25/1941

Emmett Till Passed Away on 8/28/1955, 

" There’s just something different about August 28. From the August 28 of 1833, when the Slavery Abolition Act was passed in the British colonies, gradually leading to the emancipation of their enslaved Black people, to August 28, 2020, when iconic Black actor Chadwick Boseman passed away, this day in history is distinct. It tells a story." -Jameel N

Adding the date of his death 8 + 2+8 + (19) + (55) = 92 , mutilated emmett till's body = 92 

August twenty eight = 74, White supremacist = 74 beat emmitt teal = 47,

Mutilated emmitt till's body = 299 ,  thirty third degree freemason = 299 

"Achieving the 33° is an honor that can be bestowed upon a Scottish Rite Mason. It is not campaigned for. It is granted solely by the Supreme Council. A 33° Mason is a Master Mason who has exhibited knowledge, passion and sacrifice to his craft. The Supreme Council awards the 33° as a way of honoring outstanding and selfless work performed in the Rite or in public life. At its annual session the Supreme Council elects members of the Rite to receive the degree. Members unanimously so elected become Honorary Members of the Supreme Council. "- Valley Of Columbus

(8) + (28) + (19) + (55) = 110 thirty four = 110 which connects to lynchings and rituals.

The days in between his emmitt's birth and passing: 14 Years, 34 Days  

14 written as a word fourteen = 41 in (Pythagorean), overkill = 41, templars = 41, funeral = 41

34 days, lynching = 34 (Reverse Pythagorean)

Ritual murder = 34, scripted event = 34  Murder ritual = 34

Adding his birth date in the following format: 7 + 2+5 + (41) = 55  which matches 1955, Till = 55

We have discovered that the ritual killing of Emmitt Till is connected to the Freemasons & rituals, which is not different than what takes place in the modern era.  How does Carolyn Bryant fit into this story?


Caroyln Bryant = 60 , Shot emmitt till = 60, Emmitt Till = 60. 

Carolyn Bryant = 75 (Reverse Pythagorean), white supremacist = 75, john william milam=75

John William Milam was a man who played a significant role in the infamous 1954 murder of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago, Illinois. Along with his half-brother, J.W. Milam was accused of kidnapping and brutally killing Till after he was accused of whistling at a white woman in Mississippi. 

An all-white jury later acquitted the pair, but they admitted to committing the crime in a magazine interview. The murder and the subsequent trial were significant events in the civil rights movement and played a role in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Roy Bryant(Carolyn Bryants Husband bottom right photo above on the left.) = 48 , shot Emmitt till = 84

Tallahatchie River(Where Emmitt was found) =107 Till = 17

Cut Emmitt teal = 81, Drew Mississippi = 81, J.W. Milam = 81

Drew Mississippi = 207 J.W. Milam = 27, the date on the ring Emmitt was wearing (5) + (24) + (43) = 27

The spirit realm and the ancestors have a way of working, it is interesting both male killers died of cancer and 13 years apart! Thirteen often comes up when there is a karmic cycle(103) that has completed. 

Isn't interesting that Carolyn Bryant also has cancer?

The movie Till was a challenging film to watch, but is a must watch for those who can handle film. 

When the legal system fails the people, a higher power is at work, and for all those who continue to hurt, damage, make life hard, for gods people, history has shown how devastating a karmic cycle can become.

Justice for Emmitt is the only thing that matters at this point, rest in power Emmitt and Ase!     


Britannica. (2022). Sefer Yetzira. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Sefer-Yetzira

Gematria Effect Calculator, (2022), https://gematriaeffect.news/gematria-calculator/ 

Gematrinator, (2022), https://gematrinator.com/calculator

Google. (2022). Emmitt TIll. www.Google.com

Korn, B. (1961). Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South. Elkins Park, Pa., American Jewish History. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43059130

Emmett Till. (2022, December 18). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till

Emmett Till. (2022, December 18). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till

Emmett Till. (December 18th, 2022). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till

Grand Lodge Of British Columbia And Yukon. (January 1st, 2008). The Significance Of Numbers In Freemasonry.  https://www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/symbolism/numbers.html



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