
Showing posts with the label numerology

The Red Dawn Films & Connections To World War 3

        In a previous article, I highlighted the hidden code behind the Red Dawn film and the Chinese Spy Balloon connections. In this article, we'll review the second Red Dawn film, which drew my attention due to the talks of World War 3 and Albert Pike's predictions.  This post also delves into the intriguing connections between the "Red Dawn" films and George Orwell's "1984," exploring through the lens of Pythagorean numerology and the chilling concept that these could be pre-predictive programming for World War 3.   Keep in mind the following recent headlines:        11/04/2023 - A Hamas official named Ali Baraka stated in an interview that the United States " will be a thing of the past ," and he commended North Korea's capability to strike the U.S., explicitly praising North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's unique position to do so ( Mehrotra , 2023).   11/06/2023 - Over the weekend, attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East have in

AutoPtah Version 3.0 - Pythagorean Numerology Calculator With Auto Match


The Chinese Spy Balloon & Red Dawn(33) Live Updates

    There is a lot of speculation on what is happening with this Chinese spy balloon, and for those in awareness, we know we cannot trust the media. This post aims to look into the ancient African science of numerology for clues. Numerology is not the only source you want to use when looking into these news stories further, but it does bring targeted and accurate results.  Numerology The news event took place on the 33 rd day of the year: Orange = 33 Secrecy = 33 Order = 33 Masonry = 33 Klu klux klan = 33  Alex Jones = 33  Red Dawn = 33 The date carries a date numerology filled with secrecy. Here are a few keywords in this story which is interesting. Spy balloon China = 77 (Reverse Pythagorean Numerology)  Knock The Power Out = 77  Seventy-Seven = 149 in simple reverse numerology (A= 26, B = 25, C = 24, then add the numbers).  They are lying = 149 in simple numerology( A = 1 B = 2 C = 3).    I view reflections as indirect matches, so the level of accuracy is not exactly the most de

Daily Numerology Of Reading For 1/17/2023

   The number 17 is spiritual awakening and enlightenment in numerology. It symbolizes the search for higher truths and the ability to access more profound levels of understanding and consciousness. The number 17 is also associated with self-discovery and inner wisdom and encourages individuals to explore their inner selves and develop their intuition. The number 1 symbolizes new beginnings, leadership, and independence. It is some ambition, motivation, and self-reliance. Combined with the number 17, it may suggest that the individual is on a journey of self-discovery and inner growth and is ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities to achieve their goals. The number 22 is considered a master number and symbolizes the attainment of mastery and the ability to manifest one's dreams and goals into reality. It is also said to be some spiritual awakening and the ability to access higher levels of consciousness. Combined with the number 17, it may suggest that the individual i

Day Numerology for 1/16/2023

   The number 16 is known as several self-discovery and inner wisdom in numerology. A highly spiritual number that encourages individuals to explore their inner selves and develop intuition. The number 16 symbolizes the search for truth and the ability to see things as they are. The number 22 is considered a master number and symbolizes the attainment of mastery and the ability to manifest one's dreams and goals into reality. It is also said to be several spiritual awakenings and the ability to access higher levels of consciousness. The number 3 symbolizes creativity, self-expression, and the ability to manifest one's desires into reality. It is also associated with the energies of optimism and joy. The number 1 symbolize new beginnings, leadership, and independence—also, ambition, motivation, and self-reliance. If you have a personal connection to the number 16 or any other numbers mentioned, consider exploring their meanings and how they resonate with you.

The Day Numerology Of 1/14/2023

  In numerology, the number 14 is a combination of the energies of the numbers 1 and 4. The number 1 represents leadership, independence, and self-sufficiency, while the number 4 represents stability, structure, and practicality. When these two numbers are combined, they create a powerful combination of energies related to organization, planning, and hard work. The root number of 14 is 5, representing change, adaptability, and freedom. The number 5 is associated with adapting to new situations and seeing things from different perspectives, connected to the energies of freedom and individuality. When we combine the energies of the number 14 and the root number 5, we can see that this number suggests an individual who can plan and organize their life effectively while also being adaptable and open to change. They can lead and be independent while also being practical and grounded. This combination of energies suggests that the individual resonating with the number 14 can navigate change

Why Is Friday The 13 Such A Bad Energy

     The number 13 has long been associated with bad luck and is often considered an omen of bad things to come. One of the reasons for this association is the connection to Friday the 13th.  This superstition is rooted in the Christian tradition, where the number 13 is unlucky because it was the number of people present at the Last Supper, including Judas, the betrayer of Jesus. Additionally, that on Friday the 13th, Jesus was crucified. Over time, this belief has been through literature, movies, and even scientific studies. Studies have shown that people who are superstitious about Friday the 13th experience higher anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. Negative emotion is particularly true for people already prone to anxiety or has a phobia of the number 13, known as triskaidekaphobia. Furthermore, in the past, Friday was considered an unlucky day, and that evil spirits and witches were especially active on Fridays. Hence, the combination of an unlucky day and an unlucky number mad

Day Numerology For 1/13/2023

  The number 13 is associated with change, transformation, and the power of self-expression, from the number 13 to the numbers 4 and 1. The number 4 is associated with stability, structure, and practicality. Seen as a symbol of the material world and is connected to the elements of earth and physical reality. The number 4 is associated with a strong sense of practicality and organization, symbolizing hard work and determination. The number 1 is associated with leadership, independence, and self-sufficiency—a symbol of the individual self and the energies of self-motivation and self-expression. The number 1 is also associated with creativity and symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities. When these three numbers are connected, they form a powerful combination of energies. The number 13 represents change and transformation, while the number 4 represents stability and practicality. The number 1 represents leadership and independence. Together, these numbers suggest that the individual w

Daily Numerology For January 12th 2023 | Creative Partnerships That Resonate With You

  In numerology, the number 12 is considered a spiritual and creative number. It is associated with the numerology chart's Master Numbers, which are 11, 22, and 33. These numbers possess increased spiritual and intuitive power. The number 12 is also associated with the tarot card "The Hanged Man," which represents sacrifice, contemplation, and a willingness to let go of the old to embrace the new. Regarding a daily numerology reading, the number 12 would suggest that it may be a good day to reflect on your spiritual beliefs and consider letting go of old habits or patterns that no longer serve you. It is also an excellent day to tap into your creativity and consider new possibilities for your future. Additionally, the number 12 could be a reminder to stay open to guidance from a higher power and to trust that the universe has your best interests at heart. Remember that numerology reading can be a guide and tool; the task does not predict the future. Meditative Mind. (20

The Master Number 11 | Charged Enlightenment

  The number 11 is often associated with spiritual awakening, heightened intuition, and self-expression. In numerology, it is considered a Master Number and can have a powerful energy that can manifest positive change in an individual's life. The number 11 represents the twin pillars of spiritual illumination, which balance masculine and feminine energies. This number symbolizes harmony, balance, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It also represents the ability to transcend limitations, see the big picture, and access higher levels of consciousness. Individuals who resonate with the number 11 are considered intuitive, spiritual, and highly aware of their surroundings—having a deep desire to understand their place in the world. They have the potential to be leaders and change-makers, but they must be careful not to allow their ambition to overshadow their spiritual development. Using the energy of 11, it is essential to tap into your intuition and trust yo

Day Numerology Reading In 1/6/2023

 The number 1 is associated with leadership, independence, and creativity. It is a number that represents new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a strong, assertive number that is often associated with ambition and determination. The number 6 is associated with communication, nurturing, and the home. It is a number that represents balance and harmony, and is often associated with the qualities of reliability and responsibility. When the letter "F" is associated with the number 1, it can symbolize the desire for success and the drive to achieve one's goals. It is a letter that represents ambition and determination. When the letter "F" is associated with the number 6, it can symbolize the need for stability and security. It is a letter that represents the desire balanced environments in one's life. On the other hand, the letter "A" is associated with the number 1 as a symbol of independence and individuality. It is a letter that represents the abilit

Day Numerology For 1/4/2023

January fourth falls on a grounded energy/vibration of individual grounding and paying attention to your personal foundation. Grounding meditation can benefit you more than usual, and taking a look at important aspects of what has to be taken care of.  Focus on what you find important as it pertains to your core values on an individual level. Track what is working and what is not, and make necessary adjustments to your plan the rest of the day out effectively.  The word "four" comes from the Old English word "feower," which means "four in number." It is related to the Old High German "fiwar," the Old Norse "fjorir," and the Gothic "fimf." The word "four" has been used in English since the 8th century to refer to the number 4. The number 4 has been considered significant and sacred in many cultures throughout history. In many ancient societies, the number 4 was associated with balance and stability, as there are four

Day Numerolgy For 1/2/2023

  The date 1/2/2023 can be broken down into its numerologist components as follows:   The number 1 represents independence, ambition, and leadership. The number 2 represents balance, harmony, and diplomacy. The number 3 denotes creativity, self-expression, and communication.   These energies suggest that 1/2/2023 may be an excellent time to focus on finding balance and harmony while also being ambitious and taking the lead in your endeavors. It could be an ideal time to express your creativity, communicate effectively and strive for independence and success. Regarding the best approach for this date, is helpful to find ways to integrate these different energies and make the most of the opportunities they present.  Balancing your ambition and drive with a sense of harmony and diplomacy or using your creativity and communication skills to achieve your goals. Overall, the numerology of 1/2/2023 suggests that it could be a positive and productive time if you can harness the energies of the