The Chinese Spy Balloon & Red Dawn(33) Live Updates


There is a lot of speculation on what is happening with this Chinese spy balloon, and for those in awareness, we know we cannot trust the media. This post aims to look into the ancient African science of numerology for clues. Numerology is not the only source you want to use when looking into these news stories further, but it does bring targeted and accurate results. 


The news event took place on the 33rd day of the year:

  • Orange = 33
  • Secrecy = 33
  • Order = 33
  • Masonry = 33
  • Klu klux klan = 33 
  • Alex Jones = 33 
  • Red Dawn = 33
The date carries a date numerology filled with secrecy. Here are a few keywords in this story which is interesting.

Spy balloon China = 77 (Reverse Pythagorean Numerology) 
  • Knock The Power Out = 77 

Seventy-Seven = 149 in simple reverse numerology (A= 26, B = 25, C = 24, then add the numbers). 
They are lying = 149 in simple numerology( A = 1 B = 2 C = 3). 
I view reflections as indirect matches, so the level of accuracy is not exactly the most decisive match.

Chinese spy balloon = 67 (19th Prime Number, Lie = 19, Deception = 91 (reflects 19)) Looking at the numerology, I'm just not buying the spy balloon story. 

September Eleven = 67;  a major cyber attack would be similar to a September 11th event.  
     Cyber Polygon = 67 
Klaus Schwab has warned about the next major cyber event, which could cause first-world countries to move to digital currencies. 
A lie = 27 Cbdc = 27
Suspected spy balloon = 72
Central bank digital currency = 270
Alien Invasion = 207

Ground Stoppage At Myrtle beach  - 2/4/2023

The more disturbing numerology, One of the main words used in the news reporting is ground stoppage:
  • Ground stop = 49
  • Red dawn = 49 
  • America = 49  

The stoppage is extended until 3:30 pm the Freemason stamp is confirmed!Notice all of this happening on Saturn's day. Notice all of this happening on Saturn's day. Notice all of this happening on Saturn's day. Most people are referencing the 1984 film, which was the same year as George Orwells 1984. But let's look at the Red Dawn film from 2012 instead. 

 Red Dawn (2012) Film Connections

You can find many truths and pre-predictive programming in hollywierd films, so let's take a closer look. 

In the official trailer, the power begins to go out at the 0:19 mark, and you can see the street sign read "Welts,": 

Welts = 79  This was intentional = 79 Power grid failure = 97

China balloon = 69  World War Three sign = 96 Declaration of war = 96

Interestingly, there is a power grid failure and then an invasion, which lines up with Klaus Schwab and the world economic Forum's cyber polygon event. 


The "Spy Balloon" could be a test to see what is possible in the United States. Leave a comment below 

At the bare minimum, this could be a warning sign of things to come. The president's speech will be necessary to watch. He didn't want to answer any questions earlier, but for anyone paying attention, the time to prepare might end sooner than later.




. K. (Feb 4, 2023). Ground stop issued at Myrtle Beach International Airport due to suspected Chinese spy balloon. WBTW.



Cyber Polygon. n.d. (2023). 


Gematria Effect. (n.d. 2023). Gematria Calculator. 


Gematrinator. (n.d. 2023).

Magramo, B. <. H. (2023, February 4). Live updates: US shoots down Chinese spy balloon off East Coast. CNN.

 Rotten Tomatoes Coming Soon. (2012, August 10). Red Dawn TRAILER (2012) Chris Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson Movie HD. YouTube.








































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