The Numerology Of Number 6


Numerology is the study of the symbolism and significance of numbers. Number six is one of the most significant numbers in numerology. The number 6 is often associated with balance, harmony, and stability.

It is considered a "motherly" number, representing nurturing and protection. In this article, we will explore the numerology of the number 6, including its etymology, its connection to black history, and its significance in various spiritual and cultural traditions.


The word "six" comes from the Old English word "sé," which is related to the German word "sechs" and the Latin word "sex." The number 6 has been used for thousands of years to represent various concepts. 

  • The six days of creation in the Bible
  • Six points on the Star of David.

In black history, the 6 represents the struggle for equality and justice. One example of this is the "six principles of nonviolence" developed by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. These principles include nonviolence, non-retaliation, and the willingness to suffer for the cause of justice.

They were central to the Civil Rights Movement and continue to inspire activists today.

In astrology, the sixth planet from the sun, Jupiter, is considered to be the planet of good luck, expansion, and growth. It is also associated with the principle of evolution, abundance, and generosity. Jupiter's energy helps us to experience more of life, feel alive, and to explore more of the world around us.

In the chakra system, the sixth chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, is located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. When this chakra is balanced, we can tap into our inner wisdom and make decisions based on intuition rather than logic or fear.

African spirituality also places great emphasis on the number 6. In many traditional African cultures, the number 6 is considered a sacred number representing the universe's balance and harmony. For example, in the Bantu tradition, the number 6 represents the six elements of the world: earth, water, fire, air, spirit, and sky.

The number 6 is also significant in history. The hexagon shape was found in many ancient architectural designs, such as the hexagonal shape of the Greek Parthenon and the hexagonal shape of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. 

It is also the sixth number in the Fibonacci sequence, closely related to the Golden Ratio, and appears in many natural forms. Such as the spiral of a seashell and the pattern of leaves on a stem.

In conclusion, the number 6 is a powerful and significant number rich in symbolism and meaning. It represents balance, harmony, and stability and is closely associated with motherhood, protection, and nurturing. The number 6 is also crucial in various spiritual and cultural traditions and is essential in history.


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