An Emblem Of America 1801 & The Original Americans


According to the British Museum, the Emblem of America is a vital historical symbol ("An Emblem of America," 2010). The definition of an allegorical figure is, according to 
"An allegorical figure is a character that serves two purposes: first, they are an important person in the story in their own right, and, second, they represent abstract meanings or ideas"

Etymology definition of allegorical: Consisting of or about allegory, figurative, describing by resemblance (Etymology Online, n.d.)

What Is The Definition Of America? 

The Webster's Dictionary of 1828 is a digital version of the original "American Dictionary of the English Language" by Noah Webster ("American," n.d).

The crucial part of this excerpt: Originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. The original copper-colored Americans were changed to represent the descendants of the Europeans born in America. 

American Visualized

Here are two visualizations of the original Americans:



British Museum. (2010). An Emblem of America [Print]. Haines & Son.    

Etymology Online. (n.d.). Allegorical. Retrieved from   

Webster's Dictionary 1828. (n.d.). American. Retrieved from


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