
Showing posts with the label money

Foundational Black American (FBA) News Headlines For 4/17/2023

Amherst Massachusetts Survey For Reparations  An anonymous survey is being conducted in Amherst to gather residents' views on race and reparations, marking the first time the African Heritage Reparation Assembly is seeking input from a large cross-section of the community to develop specific recommendations on how to address past racial injustices in the town. The survey, which takes less than 10 minutes to complete, is part of the assembly's efforts to develop reparation proposals for people of African heritage in Amherst by the 2020 resolution "Affirming the Town of Amherst's Commitment to End Structural Racism and Achieve Racial Equity for Black Residents." The survey will help determine how the expected $2 million collected over ten years for reparations initiatives should be spent. The report is due to the Town Council by the end of June. It will explore whether residents support a dedicated reparations fund, eligibility criteria for reparations, and options

Ten Benefits of Economic Equality For Melantated aka Black People.

  Economic equality is a vital issue for black people, as they have historically been economically marginalized and disadvantaged.  Achieving economic equality for black people can bring a wide range of benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Here are ten potential benefits of economic equality for black people: Increased income: Economic equality would increase income for black people, helping them achieve financial stability and independence. According to a study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute (Jones, 2017), black Americans, on average, earn only 80 cents for every dollar earned by white Americans, resulting in a significant wealth gap between the two groups. Reduced poverty: Economic equality would also reduce poverty rates among black people, as they would have more access to job opportunities and higher wages. According to the National Poverty Center (Shrider, 2021), black Americans are more likely to live in poverty than white Americans. Better educational op