
Showing posts with the label economic collapse blog

Six Steps To Prepare For The Next Great Depression & Economic Collapse

 We are not financial advisors, and cannot give financial advice. However, we do know that sources to draw information from and present the facts. The following article will help you prepare financially, as the world responds to the great injustices against humanity . The injustice began in 1972 when president Nixon took the U.S dollar off the gold standard (Federal Reserve History, August 1971). The next great depression and economic collapse is not a question of if, but when. This is due to the fact that the U.S dollar, the world's reserve currency, is backed by nothing more than the government's promise to pay. As history has shown, all fiat currencies eventually collapse, and the U.S dollar is no exception. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Monetary Economics found that the odds of a fiat currency collapsing within a given time period increases the longer it has been in circulation (Garcia, 2014). To prepare for this eventuality, it is important to take the follo