New Energy For 1/01/2023 | Greogrian Calendar Resets


For January 1st, 2023, the date numerology would be as follows:

1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 9


Therefore, January 1st, 2023's numerological significance is the number nine.

The number nine is often associated with compassion, understanding, and global consciousness. It is a humanitarian number and represents a desire to help others and positively impact the world. People with a solid connection to the number nine in their numerology may be well-suited to careers in social work, education, and humanitarian aid.

In general, the number nine represents compassion, understanding, and a sense of global consciousness and a positive and encouraging number for those seeking to impact the world and help others positively.

Everyone will be in the energy of newness and fresh vibes moving into 2023, with creativity pouring out of anyone working hard in that energy space.

For example, if you are a visual artist, hard work(22) will result in more progress than you have ever witnessed by the time the year is over.

We are all still feeling the energy of 22 up to January 1st, 2030. As I predicted in an earlier video on the youtube channel, we would see incredible innovations in all sectors, and chatGPT proved this point.

2022 was a year of shaping up your partnerships with people, and 2020 was a  year of starting your blueprint for the future and what you wanted to manifest. 2021 was about tuning into your soul's blueprint.

2023 will yield the most incredible creations the earth has ever seen. We could see innovations in how we express ourselves. The gaming industry could see new tech created this year, and we could also see creations in how homes and general construction.

The key is using creativity in your plan for the year because that will help you overcome any issues you might face. Let's say you are planning an event; pull out a whiteboard and start drawing out your ideas for a better work flow.

Ideas will flow freely this year, as 9 is the root number. We can look at the year in the following format 1/1/2023 or 11|2|22|3 or 11+2+22+3 = 38/11. Creativity, manifestation, and insight(9), again, we get back to the root number by looking at the sequence of numbers which then reflect the following letters: Kbvc(11/2/22/3) chk(38/11). Notice the two c's?/33, which means a double need for creativity.

I encourage all of you who want to bring forth excellent results this year to be as colorful and creative as possible with your approach and watch the results hold steady.


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