Albert Pike World War 3?




Albert Pike, a 33rd-degree Freemason, and a historical Masonic figure, allegedly wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, the Director of the Illuminati, in 1871, detailing a conspiracy plan involving three world wars to take over the world. The letter claimed that the first world war was necessary to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and create a fortress of atheistic communism.

The second world war was to destroy Nazism and create a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine, while International Communism would become strong enough to balance Christendom. The third world war was to take advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world, leading to their mutual destruction.

Afterward, a social cataclysm would occur, and Christianity and atheism would be destroyed, making way for the pure doctrine of Lucifer. The letter has been the subject of much speculation and is said to have been on display at the British Museum Library in London until 1977. 

However, the British Library denies it ever existed. Pike was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1809 and was largely self-educated. He became a schoolteacher, a journalist, and a lawyer before joining the Freemasons (Archive, n.d) .

As with many events, numerology can reveal the cold hard truth behind predictions and projections. Of course, we should all be prepared for difficult times. Let's look further into the notion of world war three using numerology.

World War Three= 71 Lie = 17 the reflection of 71. 

Albert Pike = 45  4+5 = 9  Lies = 18  1+8 =

The Jab In The Arm & China Invasion Thoughts

"The country has achieved a 89.7% vaccination rate and given about 56% of its 1.41 billion population a booster dose, but only 61% of those aged above 80 finishing their primary vaccination."(Reuters, 2022).

Many countries are dealing with the vaccine fallout from the jab campaign(Bazaraa, 2023). Even if an invasion takes place, most of the military is jabbed.

Not to say that invasion would not occur, but many will be sick, unfortunately. 

Pathetic Prophetic  Pimps & Failed Prophets


One of the worst things that people can do is think in absolutes. The future is unpredictable and wild.
 For now, we know that there are war drums building, and all fiat currencies go to zero (
Bukhari , n.d).   

With all of the economic instability and de-dollarization of the BRICS nations, knowing how to survive without currency and hold on to sound money is crucial.

Thinking about production and what you can make to barter with others might be a real trend shortly.
Be careful of fear of false evidence appearing real(F.E.A.R), the danger is real, but fear is often an illusion as it pertains to the news. Melanin reacts differently under fear and better with logic. Use logic to draw your conclusion on world war three. 

Five Counter-Arguments To World War Three

Here are some counterarguments to the possibility of a World War III:


  1. Globalization: The world's interconnections through trade, technology, and travel means that countries rely more on each other than ever. A significant conflict like World War III would disrupt these interconnected systems and potentially have devastating consequences for all countries involved.
  2. Nuclear Deterrence: The possession of nuclear weapons by many of the world's significant powers is a deterrent against large-scale conflicts. The destructive power of these weapons and the fear of mutually assured destruction make it highly unlikely that any country would launch a full-scale war against another nuclear-armed state.
  3. International Cooperation: The existence of international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization provides a framework for countries to resolve disputes peacefully and through diplomatic channels. The global community has also successfully negotiated arms control agreements and reduced tensions in areas of conflict, such as the recent agreement between the United States and Iran on nuclear proliferation.
  4. Economic Interdependence: Many of the world's major economies are interdependent, with trade and investment links vital to their success. A global conflict would disrupt these economic ties and have severe consequences for the global economy, making war a less appealing option for countries.
  5. Rise of Non-State Actors: The rise of non-state actors, such as terrorist organizations and transnational criminal networks, has shifted the focus of international security away from traditional state-to-state conflicts. As such, countries are more likely to prioritize cooperation against these non-state actors rather than engage in large-scale disputes with other states.


It's important to note that these counterarguments do not guarantee that World War III will never happen. However, they do provide some reassurance that the likelihood of a large-scale global conflict is relatively low. Countries must continue to work toward peace and stability through diplomacy, cooperation, and multilateralism.


The Marburg virus and new lockdowns are more of a reality, with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci on a couchy predicting another pandemic.  

Logically speaking, if world war three were to take place, would it make sense to worry about it? It's better to prepare and watch the news headlines. Many would not survive in that case, so being happy would be the most important thing you can do.


ClearValue Tax. (2023, April 11). China and Russia are Trying to Break The US Dollar [Video]. YouTube.


List 25. (2023, March 8). 25 Failed Predictions of the End of the World [Video]. YouTube.


Unfulfilled Christian religious predictions. (2023, March 16). In Wikipedia.




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