The New Strains Decoded & Continued Censorship Will Take Place (updated)

Disclaimer: The author is not a medical doctor but is a student in the field of computer science, we do not give medical advice. We mainly study data, numbers, and repeatable forumulas and common sense. 

 There will be more lockdowns and face mask policies as we move forward. There is also no guarantee that this website will be available. The purpose of this page is to go over some of the hidden numerology, etymology, and other secrets behind the next push to vaccinate. 

 The following information is not to be taken lightly; neither is presenting this information safe to write about. Just know many are risking everything to expose the truth about this brutal world we are living in, so show appreciation by at least sharing the information with like-minded individuals.  

Pythagorean Numerology | XBA-286


BRYN MAWR, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- A minor increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19 has been reported in Bryn Mawr and surrounding areas. Dr. Jonathan Stallkamp, the chief medical officer for Main Line Health, mentioned a slight rise in cases over the past month. A new strain, XBA-286, linked to omicron, is present in the UK, Denmark, South Africa, and the U.S. 
  • Side note: Omicron is an anagram for moronic
Its severity and infectiousness are undetermined. A new COVID booster targeting these strains will be available in mid-September. Dr. Stallkamp suggests that the increase in cases may be due to vaccine duration, compared to the flu vaccine's six-month efficacy (Gomez, 2023).
X = 24/ 2+4 =
B = 2 
A = 1
2 = B
8 = h
6 = F
Xbabhf = 25 in pthagorean
  • Trump = 25
  • Marked = 25 
  • The Cabal = 25 

Twenty five = 50 (Pythagorean)
  • Free trump = 50
I'm pro-American and foundational black American specifically; I don't like left or right; I like what suits the average American family. But the coding behind XBA-286 might align with Trump being free again. Most mainstream news is theater, so you must look deeper sometimes. 

As mentioned previously:
  • The new Covid strain = 83
  • Release the reports = 83
  • Waste the Goyims Time = 83 (A derogatory jewish term for non-jews).
  • Innocuous Incident = 83 (Not harmful or offensive)
  • Murder = 83 (Reverse pythagorean)
Just because an innocuous incident shows up doesn't mean there aren't real bio-weapons that can be released. The key is having the most robust immune system you have ever had. Many people will wear an N-95 mask and not alkalize their bodies, loose excess weight, change to a healthy diet, and get plenty of sun light if deeply melanated.  
Just remember this about face masks from the W.H.O website:

Now in 2023 it is difficult to find the image on the World Health Organization website after a google image search, leave a comment if you find it!

Eg.5 (Eris) Strain

On August 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled the EG.5 coronavirus strain, prevalent in the U.S. and detected in several other countries, as a "variant of interest." However, WHO stated that it doesn't appear to have more public health risks than different strains, and although the EG.5 variant has shown increased transmissibility, its severity is similar to other Omicron sublineages. 
The organization's officials emphasized the need for countries to report COVID-19 data, noting that the lack of data sharing hampers global response efforts, and highlighted that only 11% of countries reported hospitalization and ICU data related to the virus.

E= 5 
g = 7
E = 5 5 +7+5 = 12/ 3
Eris = 25 
Deadly = 25  

Internal Ribosomal Entry Sites (IRESs) are sequences in RNA that allow ribosomes to start translating a protein in the middle of the messenger RNA (mRNA) rather than at the beginning. Think of mRNA as a sentence and the ribosome as a reader. 


Usually, a ribosome will start "reading" the mRNA sentence from the beginning, but IRESs are like unique bookmarks that say, "Start reading from here too!" This allows the cell to produce different proteins from the same mRNA by starting the translation process from multiple places.

In Hebrew, Eri means Lion, in Hebrew means he, and in Hebrew is anger. The announcement occurred on August 9th, 2023, during Leo season. Some of the dark traits of Leo's can be egoistic and hot-headed.


8 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2+ 3 = 24 - EG. 5 W.H.O 

Announcement  Date


August 9th, 2023 can be written as 8/9 or 89: 
  • Anthony Stephen Fauci = 89, simple logic should help people understand that if vaccines and masks were effective, including N95, why would cases, and deaths continue to rise? (Taylor, 2023).
 Trauma Based Mind Control = 89, the trauma of fear used to mind control the masses. Face masks are great example of the double speak, and trauma based mind control: 

Lions = 24
Satanism = 24
Interestingly enough, Satan is referred to as a lion in the bible:

1 PETER 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
According to etymology online (2023), "goddess of discord in Greek mythology, from Greek eris "strife, discord," which is of uncertain origin. Watkins suggests PIE root *ere- (3) "to separate, adjoin." (p. 1)

F.L.1.5.1 (Anagram = Flea)

F = 6
L = 12 / 3
A = 1 
E = 5
A = 1  

Flaea    = 25 in simple numerology
Deadly = 25  

  • A flea attacks the flesh of humans.

  • Xbabhf = 25 in pthagorean

B.A 2.86


B = 2 
 A= 1 
B = 2 
H = 8 
 F = 6

Babhf = 19 in Pythagorean numerology
Hell = 19
WHO = 19 
Chaos = 19

The article mentions "Highly Mutated" = 63 
  • The illuminati =63
  • illuminatie the = 63 
  • Masonic orders  = 63 annihilation = 63
  • Dominant strain  = 63 (Another word  emphasized in the article).
F. L.1.5.1 is dubbed "Fornax" and the second dominant strain in the United States. 
Fornax = 33 (Afro is the anagram), which is also the number for freemasonary. Isn't it interesting that 
Negros = 33 aligning with the anagram.
 I'm anticipating even more censorship in the future and even more lockdowns taking place. They are disrupting the lives of Americans at the moment, with shootings, new lockdowns, and fear both real and fake. Directed energy weapons and massive 5g radiation continues.
My rant: Yes, you are most likely being poisoned in some way; if you are not living in the wilderness and off the grid, you are most likely being poisoned. You should stay in shape, eat healthy, clean foods, and take radiation breaks because it is everywhere. 
 Here are a few headlines: 


ATLANTA, Georgia (WUPA) - Morris Brown College in Atlanta is reinstating a two-week COVID mask mandate following a case surge at the Atlanta University Center. Announced on Instagram, the protocols include mask-wearing and distancing. With a new COVID variant causing a 30% hospitalization increase in Georgia, Dr. Jayne Morgan emphasized vaccinations and hygiene. Other AU Center colleges' plans are yet to be confirmed.


VERMILION, Ohio (WJW) — After a COVID-19 outbreak among its staff, the Vermilion Police Department temporarily shut its doors to the public, Police Chief Chris Hartung reported. Initially sparked by a dispatcher's positive test, subsequent tests revealed another positive case within the department. In response, the station briefly intensified COVID-19 safety measures and limited public interactions.


Here is a source with more places implementing mandates: 


Stock up on hydroxycloriqin and ivermectin, vitamin c, d, and zinc. food, tissue, and think long term. There is only so much food you can stock up on, so grow if you can, and think about how you will get water. 

Watch this video and think for yourself. Support this page by checking out


 Alyana Gomez (2023, August 31). COVID-19 hospitalizations ticking up while new omicron strain on the horizon. 6abc Philadelphia.

American Medical Association (AMA). (2023, September 6). Eris and Pirola COVID variants, plus CDC flesh-eating bacteria warning with Andrea Garcia, JD, MPH [Video]. YouTube.

eris | Etymology, origin and meaning of eris by etymonline. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary.

Jefferson T, Dooley L, Ferroni E, Al-Ansary LA, van Driel ML, Bawazeer GA, Jones MA, Hoffmann TC, Clark J, Beller EM, Glasziou PP, Conly JM. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD006207. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6. Accessed 06 September 2023.

King, M. (2023, August 23). Atlanta-based Morris Brown College says they are reinstating Covid mask mandates. CBS News.

Lw. (2023, August 31). Trump strongly condemns left's "attempt to revive COVID fears" and pledges resistance against lockdowns and ma. MARCA.

Minds, K. (n.d.). AutoPtah Version 3.0. Replit.


Meatnewsnetwork. (2020, December 31). COVID-19 mask timeline [Video]. YouTube.

Medical Dialogues. (2023, August 23). New COVID variant called FL 1.5.1 or “Fornax” detected [Video]. YouTube.

Taylor, C. (2023, September 4). Fauci ‘concerned’ people won’t mask up again as COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to rise in the U.S. Fortune Well.


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