The Importance of Reparations for Foundational Black Americans: The Case of the Tulsa Race Massacre


"It's been 22 years since a state commission made a list of recommendations that would help right the wrongs of the Tulsa Race Massacre, and State Representative Regina Goodwin  says there has been little movement on those recommendations since."
The Tulsa Race Massacre remains one of American history's most significant yet understudied violent events, leaving countless victims and their descendants traumatized and without justice. Survivors & Descendants Need Justice: Current Situation: While many survivors have passed away, many of their descendants remain. Quote Highlight:
"Representative Goodwin hosted Thursday's hearing at the State Capitol as a reminder to the state that while there aren't many survivors of the massacre still living, there are a lot of descendants, and they deserve justice."
Viola Fletcher


Recommendations Made 22 Years Ago: The last known survivors and original commission members attended a recent hearing. Recommendations included: Victim Compensation: Essential for restoring what was unjustly taken. Scholarships: Investing in the education and future of descendants. Economic Development: Addressing the socio-economic impacts of the massacre. Memorial Creation: Should remains be found in mass graves, a memorial to honor the victims? Highlight from Representative Regina Goodwin:
"We are here today because we have an undying sense of right and wrong, and we seek atonement from the state of Oklahoma for ourselves and the multitudes that were massacred. When it comes to survivors and victims' compensation policy, some will say, 'when does it stop?' and what we say some 100 years later, 'when does it start?'"
Compensation: The Path Forward Significance: Members from the original commission emphasized that compensation was the most crucial recommendation. Funding: The proposed path to policy suggests tax dollars fund reparations. Legal Context: It's worth noting that the last living survivors are in a lawsuit with the City of Tulsa, which has reached the State Supreme Court.
"Members of the original commission who spoke at today's hearing say compensation was an essential part of their original recommendations because they felt it was the most important thing to restore what was stolen from the people of Greenwood."

Conclusion: Reparations aren't just about correcting past injustices and setting a precedent for the future. Recognizing, addressing, and repairing historical wrongs sends a powerful message about the nation's commitment to justice, equity, and inclusivity. It's long overdue for the descendants of the Tulsa Race Massacre and foundational black American descendants of enslaved people.



Guinn, T. (2023, October 6). State Representative Regina Goodwin Pushes For Tulsa Race Massacre Reparations. News 9.



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