Foundational Black American News Headlines For 12/3/2023


Reparations News


Florida Senator Blaise Ingoglia proposed a constitutional amendment to ban reparations for slavery descendants in Florida. If passed by the legislature and approved by 60% of voters, the amendment would prevent state and local governments from compensating descendants of enslaved individuals before December 6, 1865. This proposal follows Florida's past reparations, like paying Rosewood massacre survivors and their descendants. Ingoglia, known for his controversial "Ultimate Cancel Act" against the Democratic Party, aims to add this amendment to Florida's constitution (Florida Senate, 2023).
Florida is continuing its ongoing campaign of anti-blackness and anti-wokenness, and that is the norm to be expected. Ironically, Ron Desantis could be doing better in the polls (Wiederkehr, 2023). Could the slouching in the polls be about black history book bans (Burga, 2023) and the teaching that slavery was suitable for black people?

Cobwebs The Lapd Surveillance Progam


The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has intensified its online surveillance by incorporating Cobwebs Technologies' software. This software collects data from phones and social media, turning it into intelligence without requiring warrants. Cobwebs, founded by former Israeli defense personnel, is part of Israel's substantial surveillance industry.

LAPD's adoption of this technology, which includes AI and machine learning for detailed profiling, follows its history of using predictive policing tools, raising concerns about privacy, bias, and civil liberties violations (Scott, 2023).


 Australian White Supremacist March


In Ballarat, Australia, a group of about 30 masked individuals, identified as Neo-Nazis, held an unplanned white supremacist rally, eliciting widespread local outrage. The demonstrators, clad in black and balaclavas, paraded through the city on Eureka Day, a historical day commemorating the Eureka Stockade uprising. They were seen shouting white supremacist slogans and carrying banners. A 15-year-old not associated with the group is being questioned for allegedly performing an illegal Nazi salute.

Ballarat Mayor Des Hudson condemned the rally, emphasizing the city's values of inclusivity and its status as a refugee-welcoming zone. The protest starkly contrasted with the multicultural spirit of the Eureka Stockade's history. Local authorities are investigating the incident, which has left the community feeling threatened and vulnerable (Mayers et al., 2023).


 Swastikas At Riverhead Highschool In New York 

On September the 23rd, the Riverhead Central School District is investigated swastikas drawn on desks at Riverhead High School, reflecting a disturbing pattern of antisemitism in the community. This incident, along with a past traumatic experience of the Abrams family when a swastika was painted on their driveway in 1969, underscores the persistent issue of antisemitism in Riverhead. 
The school district is taking steps to address this by educating students about the Holocaust and the significance of the swastika as a symbol of hate. Harley Abrams, a local resident and member of the town's Anti-Bias Task Force, emphasizes the importance of understanding and confronting these symbols of hate, especially given the alarming rise in antisemitic incidents and attitudes documented by the Anti-Defamation League (Civiletti, 2023).

Eyota Minnesota - Racist Letters

The Dover-Eyota School District is investigating a racially-charged incident at the high school, involving a hurtful note circulated on social media, with Superintendent Frie promising disciplinary action against those responsible (Staff, 2023).

12/1/2023 - A middle school teacher in Columbus, Ohio, was removed from her classroom following accusations of using a racial slur while interacting with students. Columbus City Schools (CCS) confirmed the investigation into the incident, which was captured on video and shared on social media. The school district emphasized that such language is unacceptable and goes against professional standards, with the investigation's outcome determining any further action (Mills, 2023).


 Black Trans Found Dead In South Carolina

Shandon Floyd, a 20-year-old Black transgender woman, was found dead in a car in Columbia, South Carolina, under mysterious circumstances. While initially not classified as a homicide, authorities have identified three persons of interest, and an autopsy is pending. Floyd's family believes the investigation has been slow due to her transgender identity. She was remembered as a vibrant and kindhearted person, studying nursing and deeply loved by her family and friends (Ring, 2023).


Burga, S. (2023, July 20). Florida approves controversial guidelines for Black history curriculum. Here’s what to know. Time.

Florida Senate. (2023). SJR 582: Reparations. Retrieved from  

Scott, J. (2023, November 28). LAPD is using Israeli surveillance software to track you. Knock LA.


Staff, K. (2023, November 28). Racially-motivated incident being investigated at Dover-Eyota.


Mayers, L., Neal, M., & Martin, S. (2023, December 4). Outrage in Ballarat at white supremacist march, 15yo questioned over banned Nazi salute. ABC News.


Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands. (n.d.).


           Wiederkehr, R. B. a. B. R. K. D. M. a. A. (2023, November 28). Ron DeSantis : Favorability   polls.FiveThirtyEight.




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