
Life Path Calculator Version 2.2 Updated

 We have a few new updates to the life path calculator; here is a short update video.     Click here to try out our new version 2.2

UFo's & End Time Prophecy - Reflections

Prophecy is something the Jesuit order of the Illuminati is conditioning into society today. One of the earliest known languages is  Tamil , and the translation  of the word "hecy" is Hecy > Hazey, which sounds hazy and can be unclear.  Lets look at the book of revelation, regarding the bi(two) b le (read) and end times.  Revelation & Prophetic End Times   Latin to English: re(really) reve ( dream ) revel ( reveal)  vel(or) ation( action ) Let's take a look at Revelation 6.   C(3)oncious C(3)ommuniy The definition of conscious (c. 1600) is "knowing, privy to" (para, 1). Many prophets have come in gone in the black  CON cious community. The English translation of the Latin word conciou means  I agreed,  ncious translates to  unconscious, "ous"  translates to  egg.  Essentially you have agreed to clear the conscious thought of already knowing. The anatomy of true consciousness is to become a lifelong student and continue to grow.  Many bible

The History Of Reparations Paid In America | The Case Of Belinda Sutton

One of the first reparations cases in the United States (Libguides, 2023) began with Belinda Sutton. Belinda could hold the key for foundational black American descendants of enslaved people to receive reparations as soon as possible.   Belinda Sutton, also known as Belinda Royall, was an enslaved African woman born in Ghana in the late 18th century and brought to the British colony of Massachusetts as a child. She was owned by the Royall family, who were wealthy enslavers and prominent figures in colonial society. Belinda worked as an enslaved person for the Royall family for more than 50 years until age 60. In 1783, Belinda petitioned the Massachusetts legislature for compensation for her years of enslavement and the labor she had provided to the Royall family. She argued that the Royals had promised her freedom and financial support in exchange for her service, but they had not fulfilled their promise. The Massachusetts legislature eventually granted Belinda a pension of 15 pounds

AutoPtah Version 3.0 - Pythagorean Numerology Calculator With Auto Match


The Chinese Spy Balloon & Red Dawn(33) Live Updates

    There is a lot of speculation on what is happening with this Chinese spy balloon, and for those in awareness, we know we cannot trust the media. This post aims to look into the ancient African science of numerology for clues. Numerology is not the only source you want to use when looking into these news stories further, but it does bring targeted and accurate results.  Numerology The news event took place on the 33 rd day of the year: Orange = 33 Secrecy = 33 Order = 33 Masonry = 33 Klu klux klan = 33  Alex Jones = 33  Red Dawn = 33 The date carries a date numerology filled with secrecy. Here are a few keywords in this story which is interesting. Spy balloon China = 77 (Reverse Pythagorean Numerology)  Knock The Power Out = 77  Seventy-Seven = 149 in simple reverse numerology (A= 26, B = 25, C = 24, then add the numbers).  They are lying = 149 in simple numerology( A = 1 B = 2 C = 3).    I view reflections as indirect matches, so the level of accuracy is not exactly the most de

The Statististic Of Mostly Cuacasian People Killed By The Police - Analyzed

Preface:  The following article's purpose is to take a closer look at the premise that white people are killed by the police more than half of the time(which is a fact). ABC Media Ltd owns the website Zero Hedge owned by an investment banker involved in insider trading in 2008. The article presented is not to ignore other races who die from the police. The paper's purpose is to highlight the truth and present the data. " Daniel Ivandjiiski  ( Bulgarian : Даниел Иванджийски, born November 8, 1978) is a Bulgarian-born, U.S.-based former investment banker and capital-markets trader, and current financial blogger, who founded the website  Zero Hedge  in January 2009 and remained its publisher and main editor" (Wikipedia, 2022).  The statistic highlighted is below:  The author's premise only highlights the murders but not the fact that black people only represent a small minority of the U.S. population. But let's use additional sources to have a more well-rounded v

The Emancipation Proclamation & Reparations Connection

  The Emancipation Proclamation was a historic document signed as law by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War. The proclamation declared that all enslaved people in Confederate states were to be free, effectively ending slavery in the United States. This document was a pivotal moment in American history, as it marked the first step towards the abolition of slavery and the recognition of the rights of black Americans. The Emancipation Proclamation resulted from the mounting pressures on the Union government during the Civil War. Lincoln recognized that slavery was the leading cause of the conflict and that it was necessary to end the practice to secure the Union's victory. He also believed that the proclamation would help diminish the support for the Confederacy and boost the morale of Union soldiers. The Emancipation Proclamation was significant, but slavery was abolished in the US with the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1865. The 13th Amend